Amerind Autumn Fest
Amerind Autumn Fest
Celebrating the history, culture, and arts of the Diné (Navajo).
Saturday, October 21, 2023
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
$10 per vehicle
Join Amerind at our annual Autumn Fest as we celebrate the history, culture, and arts of the Diné (Navajo). Rich in tradition, history, and culture, Diné teachers, artists, singers and dancers will hold a day-long cultural celebration at the Amerind Museum in Dragoon, Arizona.
This year, Autumn Fest will feature performances by the rock band Sihasin, the Jones Benally Family Dance Troupe, and flutist Mary Redhouse, public talks about Diné culture from Diné scholars Wade Campbell, PhD and Poet Laura Tohe, PhD. and the event will also welcome various Native artists who will be showing and selling their art, youth activities and food. This year Amerind announces the People’s Choice Artist Award, visitors will vote for their favorite artist, the top three winners will win a cash award.
Amerind is pleased to announce the Sihasin band, the Jones Benally Family Dance Troupe, and Mary Redhouse will play as part of The Angelo Joaquin Jr. Cultural Performance Series, with thanks to donor Ann Parker, PhD.
Autumn Fest is Saturday, October 21, from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm at the Amerind Museum in Dragoon, AZ. $10 per vehicle.
Dr. Laura Tohe
Dr. Wade Campbell