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Warren Queton wearing his war bonnet

Amerind Free Online Lecture – Contemporary Native Warriors with Warren Queton

Contemporary Native Warriors with Warren Queton

Amerind Free Online Lecture

Contemporary Native Warriors with Warren Queton

Saturday, October 29, 2022, 11:00 am – Arizona Time

Sponsored by Desert Diamond Casinos

During this program, Warren Queton (Kiowa, Cherokee, and Seminole) will discuss American Indian veterans in the military and their relationships to traditional American Indian culture. The talk will examine many aspects of Native American culture, as well as identify and hopefully remove some stereotypes audience members may have acquired over their lifetimes. Among the topics to be discussed are the key components of Warrior Tradition in Native society, information about contemporary American Indian and Alaskan Native veterans, how to distinguish and utilize appropriate American Indian and Alaskan Native vocabulary, and how to apply cultural knowledge to work more effectively with Indigenous community members.

Warren Queton is a Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma citizen and descendant of the Cherokee and Seminole Nations. Warren is a military veteran and an active member of the Oklahoma Army National Guard and currently holds the rank of Major. He has completed three tours overseas, serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), and Operation Spartan Shield (Kuwait). From 2015 to 2016, he worked full-time for the Oklahoma Army National Guard as the State Food Program Manager. In addition to his military service, Warren is currently an Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Native American Studies at the University of Oklahoma, where he teaches tribal service-learning and tribal governance. He is also the District 7 Legislator for the Kiowa Tribe and represents all Kiowa tribal citizens living outside the former reservation area.

This online program is free, but space is limited. To register, visit:

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Oct 29 2022


11:00 am - 12:00 pm



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