Technical Reports

Amerind Technical Reports


Woosley, Anne I. and McIntyre, Allan J. Mimbres Mogollon Archaeology: Charles C. Di Peso’s Excavations at Wind Mountain. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque


Di Peso, Charles C.; Rinaldo; John B.; and Fenner, Gloria J. Casas Grandes: A Fallen Trading Center of the Gran Chichimeca. Vol. 1-8. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona; Northland Press, Flagstaff, Arizona.


Di Peso, Charles C. The Reeve Ruin of Southeastern Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Di Peso, Charles C. The Upper Pima of San Cayetano del Tumacacori. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Di Peso, Charles C. The Sobaipuri Indians of the Upper San Pedro Valley, Southeastern Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Di Peso, Charles C. The Babocomari Village Site on the Babocomari River, Southeastern Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Tuthill, Carr. The Tres Alamos Site on the San Pedro River, Southeastern Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Haury, Emil W. Painted Cave in Northeastern Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Fulton, William Shirley. A Ceremonial Cave in the Winchester Mountains, Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Fulton, William Shirley and Tuthill, Carr. An Archaeological Site near Gleeson, Arizona. The Amerind Foundation, Inc., Dragoon, Arizona.


Fulton, William Shirley. Archeological Notes on Texas Canyon, Arizona. In “Contributions from the Museum of the Amerian Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. XII, nos. 1-2-3.” New York, Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation.