Prehistoric Salado Culture of the American Southwest
May 14-19, 1995
Jeffrey S. Dean, Chair

Seminar Participants
- E. Charles Adams, Arizona State Museum
- Jeffrey S. Dean, University of Arizona
- William H. Doelle, Center for Desert Archaeology, Inc.
- David E. Doyel, Estrella Cultural Research
- Mark D. Elson, Center for Desert Archaeology, Inc.
- Stephen H. Lekson, Lakewood, Colorado
- Thomas R. Lincoln, USDI, Bureau of Reclamation
- Owen Lindauer, Arizona State University
- Ben A. Nelson, State University of New York, Buffalo
- John C. Ravesloot, Gila River Indian Community
- Charles L. Redman, Arizona State University
- Glen E. Rice, Arizona State University
- Arleyn W. Simon, Arizona State University
- Carla R. Van West, Statistical Research, Inc.
- Stephanie M. Whittlesey, Statistical Research, Inc.
- J. Scott Wood, Tonto National Forest
- Anne I. Woosley, The Amerind Foundation, Inc.
Seminar Abstract
Sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation, this seminar brought together senior participants involved in the Roosevelt Archaeology Project, Bureau of Reclamation and Forest Service archaeologists, and experts on the Tonto Basin area of southern Arizona. Bureau of Reclamation sponsored archaeological studies had previously been conducted in the area prior to raising the Roosevelt Dam water level. As a conclusion to the project, seminar participants convened to synthesize and analyze the large amount of data gathered and to engage in discussions relating to the prehistoric Salado culture within the broader context of Southwest archaeology in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries.