Free Online Exhibit Talk: Hummingbirds and Desert Flowers – Becoming Attractions with Dr. John P. Schaefer
Amerind Free Online Exhibit Talk:
Hummingbirds and Desert Flowers – Becoming Attractions with Dr. John P. Schaefer
Saturday, August 21, 2021, 11:00 am – Arizona Time
John P. Schaefer, PhD became fascinated with birds as a Boy Scout in the late 1940s, when he chose to pursue a merit badge in Bird Study. His experience of identifying studying bird species stayed with him and bird watching became a passion. Photography also played a role in his personal and professional life but, perhaps surprisingly, he never tried to marry the two until recently. Photographing birds is a distinct challenge, requiring time, patience, and special equipment. Living adjacent to Saguaro National Park in an area with a landscape that has been respected by those around us has made his yard a safe and welcoming environment for wildlife, including visiting and breeding birds. Feeders have attracted Anna’s, Black-chinned, Broad-billed, and Costa’s Hummingbirds to us on a year-round basis. After a few years of getting acquainted, he decided to try his hand at photographing these hummingbirds in action.
Dr. John P. Schaefer enjoys a reputation as a skilled photographer, in addition to his teaching and research. He is founder of the University of Arizona Center for Creative Photography, the archive center of Ansel Adams’ photography, and the author of three best-selling books on photographic techniques. His photographs have appeared in publications including, “Arizona Highways.”
The online program is free, but space is limited. To register visit: https://bit.ly/AmerindOnline082121
John P. Schaefer